Lawlor and Pulido actually have never played in a loss - but they and Chong have been on the highest winning percentage team to date - 89-1 or 99%. Should the team go undefeated this year, Pulido would graduate with a 116-1 record easily the best.
Depending on what happens the rest of this year and next, Chong and Lawlor would have a chance to challenge the class of 2007 for best four year record which is currently held by Maya Moore and Lorin Dixon who went 150-4 for 97.4%
Breanna, Morgan, and Moriah have already lost 5 games which puts them in contention for second place for four year classes ahead of Charles, McLaren, Gardler, Fernandes who had 6 losses.
The determining factor really is losses and not wins in terms of percentages, because the leading classes have so few losses.