Burn it down | The Boneyard

Burn it down

Aug 27, 2011
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This 4 playoff system just perpetuates P5.

Change is a good thing, even if we are so far away.

But seriously rebel against this current NCAA locked in P5 scheme. An all SEC final ( with such a
B1G (domination in bowl games) is crazy.

I celebrate UCF.

Scared............play us. Yes today its UCF, USF, and Memphis, but tomorrow it may be ........UCONN

Let HCRE show you the way.

As I have said before please let Jeff Bezos say UCF vs: "Champ" for $100 million, winner take all. STREAM IT.

i'm done.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Jeff Bezos paying $100 million dollars for a football game that would cost all the players their eligibility makes a ton of sense.

Make this happen Jeff.


Tailgating Enthusiast
Mar 5, 2014
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Jeff Bezos paying $100 million dollars for a football game that would cost all the players their eligibility makes a ton of sense.

Make this happen Jeff.

We would actually have a playoff without Alabama next year... the NCAA might implode.
Aug 27, 2011
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Against my earnest desire to watch CFB, I refuse to watch the fake national championship. I will puke listening to the fawning and excuse making which has to accompany the production to prop up a fiction for ratings. Just not doing it.
Jan 17, 2017
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Tough to burn it down when the P5 folks exert so much control over this.......
Sep 3, 2011
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Maybe the answer is to have a complete split for all sports between the P5 and G5. You can only try so long to keep up with the Jones without having the $$$$ to do so. Just make the split and put limits on what you can pay coaches and staff at the G5 level. Reduce the number of scholarships for football and B-ball. This will help reduce costs for the G5 schools. Have separate tournaments for all sports. At least all non P5 schools would be on a level playing field.

The P5 is not sharing their money and they are not going to let anyone else into the club. Time to face the harsh reality and move on and try and make the best of a bad situation for UConn.
Mar 16, 2013
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Maybe the answer is to have a complete split for all sports between the P5 and G5. You can only try so long to keep up with the Jones without having the $$$$ to do so. Just make the split and put limits on what you can pay coaches and staff at the G5 level. Reduce the number of scholarships for football and B-ball. This will help reduce costs for the G5 schools. Have separate tournaments for all sports. At least all non P5 schools would be on a level playing field.

The P5 is not sharing their money and they are not going to let anyone else into the club. Time to face the harsh reality and move on and try and make the best of a bad situation for UConn.

But wait the BIG and ACC are 20 minutes away from fighting over us!


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Maybe the answer is to have a complete split for all sports between the P5 and G5. You can only try so long to keep up with the Jones without having the $$$$ to do so. Just make the split and put limits on what you can pay coaches and staff at the G5 level. Reduce the number of scholarships for football and B-ball. This will help reduce costs for the G5 schools. Have separate tournaments for all sports. At least all non P5 schools would be on a level playing field.

The P5 is not sharing their money and they are not going to let anyone else into the club. Time to face the harsh reality and move on and try and make the best of a bad situation for UConn.

You may as well quit because that is no longer commercially viable.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Maybe the answer is to have a complete split for all sports between the P5 and G5. You can only try so long to keep up with the Jones without having the $$$$ to do so. Just make the split and put limits on what you can pay coaches and staff at the G5 level. Reduce the number of scholarships for football and B-ball. This will help reduce costs for the G5 schools. Have separate tournaments for all sports. At least all non P5 schools would be on a level playing field.

The P5 is not sharing their money and they are not going to let anyone else into the club. Time to face the harsh reality and move on and try and make the best of a bad situation for UConn.
Picture how much money FCS football receives in broadcast revenue.

What you are proposing is exactly what the P-5 want. The thing is, once that is done, guess who will receive all television revenues? Guess what receiving all television exposure will do to non P-5 schools? Men's hoops may last a generation (and after that have a stray quality team every so often) but revenue sports will become the complete domain of the P-5.
Sep 3, 2011
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Picture how much money FCS football receives in broadcast revenue.

What you are proposing is exactly what the P-5 want. The thing is, once that is done, guess who will receive all television revenues? Guess what receiving all television exposure will do to non P-5 schools? Men's hoops may last a generation (and after that have a stray quality team every so often) but revenue sports will become the complete domain of the P-5.
Yes, that is what I am proposing because that is what is going to happen anyway. Stealing some lyrics from Bono, UConn was “left standing in the station with our face pressed up against the glass” as the last train left the station for the P5. There will be no other trains or life boats. Our fate is sealed and we are in the G5. We cannot compete long term with the P5 so we better figure out another solution such as reducing operating costs. By totally separating from the P5 in all sports the G5 will be able to make rules to help control costs and allow everyone to be on a level playing field. UConn needs to figure out a model that will allow you gem to survive long term in the G5. The P5 is not expanding, if anything, it will eventually become the P4.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Yes, that is what I am proposing because that is what is going to happen anyway. Stealing some lyrics from Bono, UConn was “left standing in the station with our face pressed up against the glass” as the last train left the station for the P5. There will be no other trains or life boats. Our fate is sealed and we are in the G5. We cannot compete long term with the P5 so we better figure out another solution such as reducing operating costs. By totally separating from the P5 in all sports the G5 will be able to make rules to help control costs and allow everyone to be on a level playing field. UConn needs to figure out a model that will allow you gem to survive long term in the G5. The P5 is not expanding, if anything, it will eventually become the P4.
I'm sorry that you feel that way. My belief is that you may very well be correct (that the last train has already left), but until that becomes an absolute certainty, we need to set our goal as getting on the next train. I want to fight until my last breath, so to speak.
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes, that is what I am proposing because that is what is going to happen anyway. Stealing some lyrics from Bono, UConn was “left standing in the station with our face pressed up against the glass” as the last train left the station for the P5. There will be no other trains or life boats. Our fate is sealed and we are in the G5. We cannot compete long term with the P5 so we better figure out another solution such as reducing operating costs. By totally separating from the P5 in all sports the G5 will be able to make rules to help control costs and allow everyone to be on a level playing field. UConn needs to figure out a model that will allow you gem to survive long term in the G5. The P5 is not expanding, if anything, it will eventually become the P4.

If we hadn't F-ed up our football coaching hires and we were a top 25 ranked program - nobody would suggest that.

And our problem in hoops is execution, not that we aren't P5.

I know the state (and thus the school) are under financial difficulties - but we spend enough to be competitive and I haven't heard once that the school is looking to cut costs. How about we just execute better? Other schools spending a lot less than we do seem to be able to field better teams. Until I see that we can't win despite best execution, then maybe I'll jump on board here. But not until then.
Aug 26, 2011
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We're not there yet but the G5 or at least the AAC needs to settle on an alternative model whether it be the P6 or otherwise and consistently pull together to make it a reality. They also need to push for voting equity within the system or perhaps take legal action to get it.
Aug 29, 2011
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I love how people blame the football program for the fact that we have a Diacoish basketball coach. Look Warde screwed up the hiring of at least 2 major sports. Jury is still out on Cavanaugh but the fans are getting restless there as well. Football has zero to do with the men’s basketball team failing. The conference has little to do with that. To paraphrase James Carvelle it’s the basketball coach, stupid.

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