Big12 TV deal | The Boneyard

Big12 TV deal

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May 7, 2012
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The Big12 TV deal suddenly does not seem to be for a bazillion dollars per team. From the latest pronouncement from the Doofus of WV:

One very credible source told me the current Big 12 contract was written when Colorado and Nebraska were still in the conference and doesn't have a provision to pay additional money for FSU and Clemson. The Big 12's TV partners agreed to honor the existing contract written for 12 and pay the same amount of money to 10 members. Adding FSU and Clemson for 2013 would then reduce the amount paid out to Big 12 schools.

As I have said consistently, the huge numbers that the Big12 supposedly has to offer are just fantasies whether on their TV contract or from the Number 2 bowl with the SEC which they all thought would be worth $75+ million, or double what the best BCS game generated last year.

If the Big12 adds any teams any time soon it will be teams like Louisville, Cincy, etc. or teams that want out of their current crappy conference. Teams in solid conferences, ACC or SEC, have no interest in the Big12.
May 7, 2012
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good thing your quoting a guy you have continuously shot down for months now to back your argument!

Well simple logic and common sense would tell you why quoting him in this context makes sense. From the beginning, the Doofus has been preaching how great the Big 12's TV contract was and how schools from the ACC were just lining up hat in hand hoping for a shot at joining such a great conference.

What the Doofus posted is not at all supportive of his previous position and is an admission essentially that the Big12 ain't what he cracked it up to be. So that is why I quoted it and can still criticize him on other things he says.
Aug 26, 2011
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have your cake and eat it observer...let's wait until the deadline for ACC membership comes and goes before you declare yourself the winner in the 2012 Boneyard I Told You So Tourney
May 7, 2012
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More reality setting in for the big12; Neinans is saying that the vaunted Number 2 Bowl, a/k/a known as the bowl to end all bowls, is likely to partner with an existing bowl game to host the game. Hmmm, Liberty Bowl here we come. Or is the Weedeater bowl still around, lol.

Pretty unimpressive for a bowl that was going to be at TX Stadium and generate double what any BCS game has ever generated.

First the TV contract ain't as good as everyone thought, now the bowl has to partner with someone to get the game done.

Soon, Big12 teams will be calling the ACC if they are not already. Or maybe they will wait until TX leaves for the Pac12 or the B1G.


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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The Big12 TV deal suddenly does not seem to be for a bazillion dollars per team.

Adding FSU and Clemson for 2013 would then reduce the amount paid out to Big 12 schools.

Wow. Dividing the pie by 2 more pieces reduces the amount paid out per team?!?!?

Did you link up a hundred IBM's to work that one out, or did your brilliance spit it out on its own?
May 21, 2012
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observer is the king of spin...

If teams were added for next year, of course it would reduce the payout per team. There's no time to redo the contract. That has nothing to do with the new contract. I doubt anyone is going to mind making less money for one year if they had to. It's the opposite situation the Big 12 was in when they lost Colorado and Nebraska and the rest of the teams got to take the other teams' shares.

If the SEC-Big 12 "partners" with another bowl, then that's even better for them. They essentially eliminate a bowl that other teams could have gone to. The important thing is locking up that bowl for SEC-Big 12 teams.

Based on the insiders, apparently the Big 12 feels comfortable enough in their position to wait on Notre Dame. You only do that if you feel pretty confident the other teams you want will come, because Notre Dame doesn't really want to join a conference.
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