Benedict needs to stage an intervention with Diaco. . . | The Boneyard

Benedict needs to stage an intervention with Diaco. . .

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Oct 28, 2014
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On two major issues.

1) Playcalling. Never mind the punting at Houston 38. The offense we saw last night should be an all-the-time thing, not a one-off special for playing a top 10 team.

2) Public speaking. You can't seriously let Diaco get away with saying things like we punted on purpose to get the defense back in the game. That might be the No. 1 stupidest thing he has said in 2 1/2 years, and that was a very high bar to clear. Diaco tries to make things more complicated than they are to maintain the aura of "I'm smarter than you are". It works if you're Geno Auriemma and have 11 national titles, not when you're 10-19.


Aug 26, 2011
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I'll disagree slightly in that : playcalling has improved, quite a bit, game over game. That is more a function of how bad it was initially, and there are still drives where it's terrible, but it has improved. Still needs work, but these guys need to block and Shirreffs needs to connect... no excuse to overthrow his receivers as much as he does.

Diaco, in a weird way, says exactly what he believes. I don't think there is a dishonest bone in his body. But that said, one can only conclude he's a bit naive to believe some of the things he comes up with.
Apr 6, 2014
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There's no doubt that Benedict needs to get involved. We're getting to the point where recovery of the program is in serious jeopardy. The team of Diaco and Verducci have set their course on a conservative brand of football which is simply not effective using the talent we currently have. They are reinforcing the view that we are, and always will be, a basketball school. Loyal fans are starting to turn away and our football program is being dismissed as being of " Yankee Conference" caliber. Do we have to go the rest of the way down the drain before action is taken? Benedict, from now, should be working on a replacement plan complete with potential coaching candidates and buy-out monies.
Aug 27, 2011
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Sadly, there are about 15-20,000 of us that just won't ever walk away because we're pissed. So, they can get away with a crap product. Given the last 6 years, it's amazing that aren't under 10k in the stands. Says a lot about Husky loyalty.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll disagree slightly in that : playcalling has improved, quite a bit, game over game. That is more a function of how bad it was initially, and there are still drives where it's terrible, but it has improved. Still needs work, but these guys need to block and Shirreffs needs to connect... no excuse to overthrow his receivers as much as he does.

Diaco, in a weird way, says exactly what he believes. I don't think there is a dishonest bone in his body. But that said, one can only conclude he's a bit naive to believe some of the things he comes up with.
I still think the issue is less with the OL, and more with the fact that Bryant is so afraid to throw picks that he pulls the ball down far too often. From where I sit in the end zone it's much more evident than watching on TV where you can't often see where his receivers are.

It's a by product of always feeling like a turnover is the worst thing in the world.
Jun 17, 2013
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On two major issues.

1) Playcalling. Never mind the punting at Houston 38. The offense we saw last night should be an all-the-time thing, not a one-off special for playing a top 10 team.

2) Public speaking. You can't seriously let Diaco get away with saying things like we punted on purpose to get the defense back in the game. That might be the No. 1 stupidest thing he has said in 2 1/2 years, and that was a very high bar to clear. Diaco tries to make things more complicated than they are to maintain the aura of "I'm smarter than you are". It works if you're Geno Auriemma and have 11 national titles, not when you're 10-19.

No, he is 10-20 - remember we canned HCPP after he went 10-18. Bottom line - HCBD has got to start producing. We don't have the luxury of waiting!


Apr 2, 2013
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Well said.

I heard kurt warner say, when he was playing for vermiel with the GSOT, that they didnt care how many turnovers they made because they were going to keep on chucking it and theyd score 36 regardless. IMO that is the new found philosophy around college ball. If we routinely lost 48-42, turned it over 4x's a game, and went 4-8 i bet we'd fill the rent. Recruit pure athletes and find a spot for them. Spread em out and turn it into a track meet.


We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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On two major issues.

1) Playcalling. Never mind the punting at Houston 38. The offense we saw last night should be an all-the-time thing, not a one-off special for playing a top 10 team.

2) Public speaking. You can't seriously let Diaco get away with saying things like we punted on purpose to get the defense back in the game. That might be the No. 1 stupidest thing he has said in 2 1/2 years, and that was a very high bar to clear. Diaco tries to make things more complicated than they are to maintain the aura of "I'm smarter than you are". It works if you're Geno Auriemma and have 11 national titles, not when you're 10-19.
It pains me to write this, but I agree about point 2. He throws words together to sound smart - a tacit of those anxious to look smart.
Aug 26, 2011
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Remember David Clawson? I believe he was available when we hired Diaco. He is now 4-0 at Wake.

We need to wake up and realize that the Diaco experiment is over. He won't change and he won't learn how to coach anytime soon.
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