Benedict, football guy? | The Boneyard

Benedict, football guy?

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Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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I keep seeing this thrown around the Boneyard and for the life of me have no idea.

The guy played football at Southern Utah and was a graduate assistant at New Mexico Highland (whatever the hell that is) 20 years ago. That is the extent of his actual football experience.

So the guy was a business executive essentially at a school, Auburn, that plays SEC football for 2 years and now somehow he's this "football guy" that everyone wants to entrust this hiring process to?

As much as I don't want Diaco anywhere near this hire, the fact is that if he's not fired it's still his team and staff.

I mean for christ sake the guy was an administrator at Auburn not the former coach and people act like he's Nick Saban.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I know it's fun to buy into the "every UConn administrator is hot garbage" narrative, because we're all pissed about Diaco still being on board and as a result we all feel emotionally reactive.

Anyone who's as close to the top of the Auburn AD as he was understands the importance of football. I believe that remains true regardless of whether not he called for the university to pull the plug on a buyout it probably doesn't have the funds for.
Aug 27, 2011
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I keep seeing this thrown around the Boneyard and for the life of me have no idea.

The guy played football at Southern Utah and was a graduate assistant at New Mexico Highland (whatever the hell that is) 20 years ago. That is the extent of his actual football experience.

So the guy was a business executive essentially at a school, Auburn, that plays SEC football for 2 years and now somehow he's this "football guy" that everyone wants to entrust this hiring process to?

As much as I don't want Diaco anywhere near this hire, the fact is that if he's not fired it's still his team and staff.

I mean for christ sake the guy was an administrator at Auburn not the former coach and people act like he's Nick Saban.

I know it's fun to buy into the "every UConn administrator is hot garbage" narrative, because we're all pissed about Diaco still being on board and as a result we all feel emotionally reactive.

Anyone who's as close to the top of the Auburn AD as he was understands the importance of football. I believe that remains true regardless of whether not he called for the university to pull the plug on a buyout it probably doesn't have the funds for.

@ConnHuskBask I'm also going to add to @Stairmaster 's post that Benedict was also in charge of the football program while at Auburn among his many duties there. IMHO we will never really know whether Benedict wanted to get rid of Diaco or not.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am pretty sure Diaco is considered incompetent by now. They probably are pissed at themselves for increasing the buyout. That gave Diaco more leverage to abuse the program to his liking.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Me and you understand the importance of football, right?

Doesn't make the guy qualified to judge coaching talent just because he was an administrator.

Again my point to all of this is everyone chiming in for Benedict to "set Diaco straight" and pick the staff.

Based on what prior experience?


Dave was involved with football at Auburn for 2 years - so he has exposure and some experience but 2 years in a job doesn't make you an established expert.
Aug 27, 2011
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Me and you understand the importance of football, right?

Doesn't make the guy qualified to judge coaching talent just because he was an administrator.

Again my point to all of this is everyone chiming in for Benedict to "set Diaco straight" and pick the staff.

Based on what prior experience?
At the end of the day who says he (Benedict) didn't go to Herbst and say "this guy has to go"...she and Larry McHugh sit on it and decide that the buyout is too much right now. Benedict like a good soldier goes back and the press release is put out. This kind of stuff won't be known by anyone else but HIGH level donors, high level people in the AD, Herbst and McHugh.
Aug 27, 2011
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Dave was involved with football at Auburn for 2 years - so he has exposure and some experience but 2 years in a job doesn't make you an established expert.
Kind of like you here right?...Oops I'm sorry you are an established expert in spewing Bull**it though.


At the end of the day who says he (Benedict) didn't go to Herbst and say "this guy has to go"...she and Larry McHugh sit on it and decide that the buyout is too much right now. Benedict like a good soldier goes back and the press release is put out. This kind of stuff won't be known by anyone else but HIGH level donors, high level people in the AD, Herbst and McHugh.

I agree Benedict probably would prefer Diaco to go away. The other factor is you pay the $5 million - and Susan wouldn't want to take that blame.

What I think they are aware of but grossly underestimating is Diaco's games are painfully unwatchable and folks have been beaten down by 6 bad seasons with overall diminishing talent.
Aug 27, 2011
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I agree Benedict probably would prefer Diaco to go away. The other factor is you pay the $5 million - and Susan wouldn't want to take that blame.

What I think they are aware of but grossly underestimating is Diaco's games are painfully unwatchable and folks have been beaten down by 6 bad seasons with overall diminishing talent.
Benedict and Beth Goetz both worked at Minnesota together...combine that with Benedict's 2 seasons at Auburn where things didn't go so well I think they are PAINFULLY aware of what is going on. It's more like Herbst and McHugh are the one's that aren't willing to fully understand. At the end of the day Larry McHugh has his hands all over this program and since that has happened it has gone completely into the tter. He should stick to running Chamber of Commerce Breakfasts


Part of the 2%, but 100% wood.
Aug 26, 2011
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Of course Warde was a football guy big time. Actually bragged about it. He picked Diaco. Michigan fans are probably praying he doesn't have to pick a football coach there.
If I remember right Warde was hypnotized by Jocko-speak. Bedazzled by it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Of course Warde was a football guy big time. Actually bragged about it. He picked Diaco. Michigan fans are probably praying he doesn't have to pick a football coach there.
Actually one of the reasons he got the job...he and Harbaugh are friends from their playing days at Michigan. I'm sure that Harbaugh lobbied hard for him behind the scenes to get the job. The fact he was Assoc. AD there in charge of the football, men's basketball and hockey programs didn't hurt either.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have some hopes that the AD is aware and will force a different system on Diaco. If I were Benedict, I'd tell Diaco that we are going to play a wide open offense, hire a capable OC and let him run with it. If he doesn't like it, resign. I'd also tell him to get more aggressive on defense, play tighter coverage and blitz often.

He and his agent would make a stink and try to sue if it fails and he gets fired, but I'd take my chances that he'd go quietly into the night rather than make a spectacle of himself. He'd be able to leave and get a good D.C. job without huge public humiliation that way.
Aug 27, 2011
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I have some hopes that the AD is aware and will force a different system on Diaco. If I were Benedict, I'd tell Diaco that we are going to play a wide open offense, hire a capable OC and let him run with it. If he doesn't like it, resign. I'd also tell him to get more aggressive on defense, play tighter coverage and blitz often.

He and his agent would make a stink and try to sue if it fails and he gets fired, but I'd take my chances that he'd go quietly into the night rather than make a spectacle of himself. He'd be able to leave and get a good D.C. job without huge public humiliation that way.
If he gets fired what's there to sue for if he gets all of his buyout $$ as stated in his contract. At the end of the day he is getting fired for a COMPLETE body of in which he would personally own 3/4's of (3 out of 4 seasons).


#TheCut #HuskyRevolution
Aug 22, 2013
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Benedict and Beth Goetz both worked at Minnesota together...combine that with Benedict's 2 seasons at Auburn where things didn't go so well I think they are PAINFULLY aware of what is going on. It's more like Herbst and McHugh are the one's that aren't willing to fully understand. At the end of the day Larry McHugh has his hands all over this program and since that has happened it has gone completely into the tter. He should stick to running Chamber of Commerce Breakfasts
Yeah, why does Larry McHugh have any (like ZERO) say in our Football program at this point??? I get he was instramental in getting us from 1AA to 1A and the stadium and all, but at this point? Like shouldn't it all be in Benedict and Herbst hands (and the big time donors- like Burton)? After all didn't McHugh have a huge push behind getting PP here becuase of his CT ties?
Aug 26, 2011
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I know it's fun to buy into the "every UConn administrator is hot garbage" narrative, because we're all pissed about Diaco still being on board and as a result we all feel emotionally reactive.

Anyone who's as close to the top of the Auburn AD as he was understands the importance of football. I believe that remains true regardless of whether not he called for the university to pull the plug on a buyout it probably doesn't have the funds for.
Maybe he disagreed with Auburn on the importance of Football and wanted a change?
Aug 26, 2011
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I have some hopes that the AD is aware and will force a different system on Diaco. If I were Benedict, I'd tell Diaco that we are going to play a wide open offense, hire a capable OC and let him run with it. If he doesn't like it, resign. I'd also tell him to get more aggressive on defense, play tighter coverage and blitz often.

He and his agent would make a stink and try to sue if it fails and he gets fired, but I'd take my chances that he'd go quietly into the night rather than make a spectacle of himself. He'd be able to leave and get a good D.C. job without huge public humiliation that way.
How do you play s wide open offense if you don't have to players to do it?
Aug 24, 2011
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Benedict had three major areas that impressed the search committee enough that he got the job:

1) Operations -- very good at strategic planning and project management
2) Gameday experience -- he had led efforts at Auburn to improve the gameday experience and has continued that here
3) Financial management -- I pointed this out when he was hired, and UConn made specific reference to it in his hiring announcement. It may have been that this was the most important factor -- the powers that be knew that we would be working with a shrinking revenue stream, and hired a guy that could figure out how to do more with less.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Benedict had three major areas that impressed the search committee enough that he got the job:

1) Operations -- very good at strategic planning and project management
2) Gameday experience -- he had led efforts at Auburn to improve the gameday experience and has continued that here
3) Financial management -- I pointed this out when he was hired, and UConn made specific reference to it in his hiring announcement. It may have been that this was the most important factor -- the powers that be knew that we would be working with a shrinking revenue stream, and hired a guy that could figure out how to do more with less.

Great synopsis. I don't have an issue with any of that and I'm not debating he is strong in these areas.

Just think it's foolish that because he spent two seasons at Auburn he's some sort of football savant.
Aug 24, 2011
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Great synopsis. I don't have an issue with any of that and I'm not debating he is strong in these areas.

Just think it's foolish that because he spent two seasons at Auburn he's some sort of football savant.

I'm essentially agreeing with you. He wasn't brought in because he was a "football guy".
Dec 1, 2014
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At the end of the day...
It is what it is...

Can we all agree that these phrases should never ever be used again...ever?
Apr 24, 2012
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At the end of the day...
It is what it is...

Can we all agree that these phrases should never ever be used again...ever?

Ok..Lets try "it aint what it aint" or how about "in the beginning of the morning"


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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From the day Richard Nixon was first inaugurated through today the Pittsburgh Steelers have had three men as head coach. We've matched that since Obama's second inauguration.

Aside from the Rooney family, there isn't anyone out there who can be considered flawless when it comes to picking a football coach. The selection of Diaco appeared to be a very good one and after a very suspect first year (which could have been explained as being necessary to build what we wanted built) there was valid reason to believe from the results of year two that things were heading in the right direction and that BD could evolve into a quality head coach.

I've met Benedict a few times and I believe he is exactly the personality we need at AD. It is possible that BD id not responding well to having a new boss who is as take charge as DB is. I'll wager that Benedict had been preparing a presentation showing different possible scenarios to bring to the decision makers, requesting direction on what possible paths would be available.

Within the next 57 weeks (hopefully no more than five) DB will be looking to hire a new head coach. I imagine he will do well but as the only guarantees are out of our league (Meyer, Saban, Harbaugh) we will have to wait and see if the hire ends up being a hit or a miss.
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