before you kill diaco | The Boneyard

before you kill diaco

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Sep 30, 2011
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Remember that out field goal unit can't even snap a ball. Can't block for a field goal. Also the announcers clearly said in pregame we couldn't hit a field goal outside 40 yards. I'm Damn proud of this team. Yes Diaco has to manage game better. But we are lightyears ahead of any of us could have ever imagined. Yes I'm disappointed because we should have won. But I would put it at 90%chance that our freshman kicker in front of 70,000 fans with a snapper/holder who are terrible makes that field goal. True sports fans that KNOW the game would agree with not kicking the field goal. They may not agree with the playcall. But a kid who just attempted his 1st ever field goal and blundered it will not make that to tie. Rant over. Proud of this team and how hard they are working. Future looks EXTREMELY BRIGHT.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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That last play was the weird tag line to one of last years press conferences. It's right up there with thanking Missouri for helping us get better. Until that call BD was near perfect.
Sep 16, 2011
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Remember that out field goal unit can't even snap a ball. Can't block for a field goal. Also the announcers clearly said in pregame we couldn't hit a field goal outside 40 yards. I'm Damn proud of this team. Yes Diaco has to manage game better. But we are lightyears ahead of any of us could have ever imagined. Yes I'm disappointed because we should have won. But I would put it at 90%chance that our freshman kicker in front of 70,000 fans with a snapper/holder who are terrible makes that field goal. True sports fans that KNOW the game would agree with not kicking the field goal. They may not agree with the playcall. But a kid who just attempted his 1st ever field goal and blundered it will not make that to tie. Rant over. Proud of this team and how hard they are working. Future looks EXTREMELY BRIGHT.
Absolutely should have left Sheirreffs and the offense on the field to go for it on 4th and 5 but you are right that we are moving in the right direction. Things are now in place for us to be a good football team going forward but please get the special teams fixed.
Sep 30, 2014
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Remember that out field goal unit can't even snap a ball. Can't block for a field goal. Also the announcers clearly said in pregame we couldn't hit a field goal outside 40 yards. I'm Damn proud of this team. Yes Diaco has to manage game better. But we are lightyears ahead of any of us could have ever imagined. Yes I'm disappointed because we should have won. But I would put it at 90%chance that our freshman kicker in front of 70,000 fans with a snapper/holder who are terrible makes that field goal. True sports fans that KNOW the game would agree with not kicking the field goal. They may not agree with the playcall. But a kid who just attempted his 1st ever field goal and blundered it will not make that to tie. Rant over. Proud of this team and how hard they are working. Future looks EXTREMELY BRIGHT.

Still would've preferred the field goal attempt, but logically, it makes sense.
Aug 24, 2011
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That game was clearly encouraging for where HCBD is taking the program. But I don't get so much of it. Manco had never made a bad snap before today. Puyol, while not automatic, hadn't missed a FG this year. I don't get it.

That having been said, I can assume he knew something I didn't as to not kicking. But it was 4th and 4 and we were moving the ball. If you don't kick, let Shireffs try to make a play.

Saying that HCBD is doing a good job is not at all inconsistent with saying that last decision was just beyond baffling.
Aug 29, 2015
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Put the ball in the hands of your starting quarterback and let him make a play with his arm or his legs. I just don't understand taking out your best offensive weapon to go for it.
Aug 26, 2011
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That game was clearly encouraging for where HCBD is taking the program. But I don't get so much of it. Manco had never made a bad snap before today. Puyol, while not automatic, hadn't missed a FG this year. I don't get it.

That having been said, I can assume he knew something I didn't as to not kicking. But it was 4th and 4 and we were moving the ball. If you don't kick, let Shireffs try to make a play.

Saying that HCBD is doing a good job is not at all inconsistent with saying that last decision was just beyond baffling.
I agree 100%. Keep doing what was working during last drive or kick FG
Aug 29, 2011
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I swear Diaco is Schiano's clone. Same awful clock management. Same bizzare decisions. Tough tough way to lose. But we have a defense and I really like Shireffs. Guts and plays smart mostly. Behind a competent line he is really good I think.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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desmondconner3:30pm via Twitter for iPhone
Why not go for the field goal? #UConnFootballcoach Bob Diaco didnt feel good about it

The chat room was discussing this possibility at the beginning of the drive. No one was confident in the FG. Can't blame BD for not kicking, but he should have went for it straight up. I think he lost his nerve a bit. The fake was a bit desperate hoping to catch MU sleeping. Not sure why he thought that as he'd already run two fakes in the game. They couldn't have been that worried about the FG kicker as he missed an XP. Of course they play safe coverage.

We ran plenty of easy 4 yd plays against MU. Pick one and roll with it. I doubt anyone would have complained.
Aug 26, 2011
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It was a really dumb call, I would have rather have died with just running a play or a poor FG attempt, but I'm so happy that our team is not a joke anymore. We've clearly stepped up our level of play compared to the past few years. Yeah the offense didn't too much, but it also didn't shoot us in the foot like past years. Would have loved for them to have a chance on that 4th.

Also can Tim Boyle just not throw another pass for us. Sorry.
Aug 28, 2011
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I reviewing the game, we already pulled off a number trick plays...Unfortunately one time too many. We go FGA there...or eep the offense on the field. We kinda had them on their heels when Shirrefs was slinging it on that last drive.
Sep 30, 2011
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How in the world can anyone say kicking the field goal was the right choice? Comical. um 3/4 extra points have been blocked had 1 today and a blocked punt. Another snap rolled to the punter. No way in hell would Puyol and his line drive 3ft high kicks have even been close. The announcer even said themselves that UConn was wide right and left all pregame from 40 yards. Kill him for the fake field goal with Boyle (alltho throwing off back leg) all you want but they weren't making the field goal. I agreed with the call because he wanted the win. Not the tie. In my book that game is a HUGE boost of confidence for the team and fan base that we are in the right direction.
Sep 30, 2011
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That call was bs and this thread is stupid
Amory what would you have done? Field Goal? Or was it stupid cuz I said team is in right direction? Or cuz we weren't "vanilla" on offense and actually tried stuff. Like all you guys were bitching about for YEARS. That we never did any gambling. Please dude shut your face and learn the game of football.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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How in the world can anyone say kicking the field goal was the right choice? Comical. um 3/4 extra points have been blocked had 1 today and a blocked punt. Another snap rolled to the punter. No way in hell would Puyol and his line drive 3ft high kicks have even been close. The announcer even said themselves that UConn was wide right and left all pregame from 40 yards. Kill him for the fake field goal with Boyle (alltho throwing off back leg) all you want but they weren't making the field goal. I agreed with the call because he wanted the win. Not the tie. In my book that game is a HUGE boost of confidence for the team and fan base that we are in the right direction.

Kicking the FG was one of two correct choices that could have been made. If it gets blocked, so be it. Within any organizations, poor performing units sometimes need to be put in the spotlight or isolated to make a larger point. For any organization to thrive, all parts have to be performing. Masking inefficiencies doesn't do the poor performing units any favors. Sucks to be called out, but sometimes it has to be done.
Aug 27, 2011
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Amory what would you have done? Field Goal? Or was it stupid cuz I said team is in right direction? Or cuz we weren't "vanilla" on offense and actually tried stuff. Like all you guys were bitching about for YEARS. That we never did any gambling. Please dude shut your face and learn the game of football.

Yeah Puyol has never made a 42 yard FG before. The call was pure lunacy. Defending it is worse.
Oct 13, 2012
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Amory what would you have done? Field Goal? Or was it stupid cuz I said team is in right direction? Or cuz we weren't "vanilla" on offense and actually tried stuff. Like all you guys were bitching about for YEARS. That we never did any gambling. Please dude shut your face and learn the game of football.
1) kick the field goal
2) keep the Offense on the field and go for it

I would've chosen 1 or 2 and not tried to manufacture a third choice
Aug 27, 2011
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Saying that HCBD is doing a good job is not at all inconsistent with saying that last decision was just beyond baffling.
This is correct, the two are not mutually exclusive. The play call was wrong, BD did an outstanding job today on everything else.

Let's also not forget MU should've had a 4th down on their TD drive when that receiver very obviously did not control the ball on the 1st down catch. Should've been a 40+ yd FG attempt.
Aug 26, 2011
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Amory what would you have done? Field Goal? Or was it stupid cuz I said team is in right direction? Or cuz we weren't "vanilla" on offense and actually tried stuff. Like all you guys were bitching about for YEARS. That we never did any gambling. Please dude shut your face and learn the game of football.

@Buffett10 there are many debatable things in the game of football. you should pick one of those to get in a tiff about. You are wrong here. not just wrong, but defending it makes you sound dumb, too.
Aug 26, 2011
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Isn't Tarbutt money from 50+ yards in practice? I thought he would make the 49 yarder and be our kicker going forward. He hasn't lacked confidence as far as his Twitter talk goes. Still think he'll have the job soon.
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