b12 commish says | The Boneyard

b12 commish says

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Aug 24, 2011
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that perspective schools have already contacted him. saw it on the wvu board and it was linked to a article from a kansas writer if i remember. its legit and not a dudeofwvu thing. wonder if we called?

i find it hard to think that the b12 won't go to 12 soon. i keep thinking that espn is waiting to see what the nbe does with a tv contract and then blow it up with lville/ruty/uconn and cincy or usf getting invites elsewhere to doom the nbe again...
Aug 26, 2011
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that perspective schools have already contacted him. saw it on the wvu board and it was linked to a article from a kansas writer if i remember. its legit and not a dudeofwvu thing. wonder if we called?

i find it hard to think that the b12 won't go to 12 soon. i keep thinking that espn is waiting to see what the nbe does with a tv contract and then blow it up with lville/ruty/uconn and cincy or usf getting invites elsewhere to doom the nbe again...
Big-12 is about perception. They are looking at "Traditional" football institutions. FSU, Va Tech, Clemson, & G.Tech will all get the nod before those Big East teams & WVa would be pleased to have them.


Aug 24, 2011
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Big-12 is about perception. They are looking at "Traditional" football institutions. FSU, Va Tech, Clemson, & G.Tech will all get the nod before those Big East teams & WVa would be pleased to have them.

i hear u. i could see this happening tho. the nbe goes to open talks with all leagues for high bidding and espn then puts the spin on. espn wants a power 5 and no one else so that eventually they can get a 8 team playoff with 5 auto bids coming from conf ship games and 3 open slots. this could mean 2 of nd/uconn/ruty to the acc and 2 of lville/byu/cincy to the b12 to get this accomplished. that would officially destroy the nbe. it would force the bball schools to walk and combine somewhat with a10 schools for a power bball league. that league right away would need a tv contract in which the acc could then get for cheap like 3 or 4 mil a team. espn would get that done and win in the end. they get bball games from the nbe for filler time and they get who they want in the power confs. this protects the acc which espn is all in on and helps them and fox with the b12 getting a ship game. it leaves the nbe as bsu and leftover becoming the cusa basically and not worth espns time in any way, it also gives nbc almost nothing media exposure wise to have in its new tv network. it keeps espn as the place to be for college sports in the end...
Aug 26, 2011
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i hear u. i could see this happening tho. the nbe goes to open talks with all leagues for high bidding and espn then puts the spin on. espn wants a power 5 and no one else so that eventually they can get a 8 team playoff with 5 auto bids coming from conf ship games and 3 open slots. this could mean 2 of nd/uconn/ruty to the acc and 2 of lville/byu/cincy to the b12 to get this accomplished. that would officially destroy the nbe. it would force the bball schools to walk and combine somewhat with a10 schools for a power bball league. that league right away would need a tv contract in which the acc could then get for cheap like 3 or 4 mil a team. espn would get that done and win in the end. they get bball games from the nbe for filler time and they get who they want in the power confs. this protects the acc which espn is all in on and helps them and fox with the b12 getting a ship game. it leaves the nbe as bsu and leftover becoming the cusa basically and not worth espns time in any way, it also gives nbc almost nothing media exposure wise to have in its new tv network. it keeps espn as the place to be for college sports in the end...
Sooner or later no one will care about college sports. If UConn gets left out in the cold, it will be me.
Aug 29, 2011
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Don't forget the SEC in this situation. They will likely need to go to 16 and will not like the B-12 creeping into their media market by grabbing any of the above listed teams. The ACC/BE will likely lose 4 teams (2 each to the SEC and B-12). Louisville may be the only BE team that garners attention and that is from the B-12, so we are looking at 3 or 4 ACC teams making the jump.
Aug 31, 2011
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SEC has thier eyes on new markets - VaTech, UNC. They already share SC and FL markets - in this case transferring those markets to B12 from ACC. IMO, the real key remains the Pac12 - if they feel they must grow, they ain't looking at Boise or UNLV, but again cast their eyes to the plains. And that's when things would get real interesting.
Aug 26, 2011
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i hear u. i could see this happening tho. the nbe goes to open talks with all leagues for high bidding and espn then puts the spin on. espn wants a power 5 and no one else so that eventually they can get a 8 team playoff with 5 auto bids coming from conf ship games and 3 open slots. this could mean 2 of nd/uconn/ruty to the acc and 2 of lville/byu/cincy to the b12 to get this accomplished. that would officially destroy the nbe. it would force the bball schools to walk and combine somewhat with a10 schools for a power bball league. that league right away would need a tv contract in which the acc could then get for cheap like 3 or 4 mil a team. espn would get that done and win in the end. they get bball games from the nbe for filler time and they get who they want in the power confs. this protects the acc which espn is all in on and helps them and fox with the b12 getting a ship game. it leaves the nbe as bsu and leftover becoming the cusa basically and not worth espns time in any way, it also gives nbc almost nothing media exposure wise to have in its new tv network. it keeps espn as the place to be for college sports in the end...

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