I like to see Azzi with Steph Curry for the Subway commercial ...
The Baby-Faced Assassin with Azzi? Or, is he also The Smiling Assassin?
My reluctance with just Azzi is she is not the original owner of the name: she was named after Ms. Azzi.
Someone said Paige has no nickname, that Paige is simply Paige. What is
Paige Buckets then? And, why even trademark it?
Unfortunately, there is nothing
elegant that has shown up yet for Azzi.....has to be that to match the way the player moves and shoots with accuracy from all over.
Footnote: I think if we should nominate anything, we should stay away from Assassin. Came to this conclusion after discovering the historical meaning (on top of the current meaning)
a member of the Nizari branch of Ismaili Muslims at the time of the Crusades, when the newly established sect ruled part of northern Persia (1094–1256). They were renowned as militant fanatics, and were popularly reputed to use hashish before going on murder missions.