acc/espn recent moves | The Boneyard

acc/espn recent moves

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Aug 24, 2011
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are highly suspicious
-md leaves and the 50 mil buyout is the question of all questions
-by adding lville quick they try to kill off perception
-md value is more that lville i dont care what u think but lville return 75% of the value lets say asap with the add which then hurts the acc in the buyout on effects of md leaving $ wise
-then they turn around and add 2mil for nd games all of a sudden. how come the nd games wern't worth 2 mil a month ago? but no they are?

something reeks of espn/acc making a play to make sure the damage is light compared to what could happen. what they did was make the b12 expansion all about tier 3 and a "better" questionable conf as its only perks. for a school like fsu it still may make sense tier 3 and schedule wise. but can schools like miami or vt does it make sense b12 move wise any more?

did espn do this to try to stop fox form making a huge play? no one is going to stop the sec or b10 from adding becuase the $ is better, the conf is better and so on. but the b12 adds could be stopped by more acc $ which just happened.

there are 2 schools right now for sure left out and thats cincy and uconn and 2 more arguments of left outs in usf and temple. thats 4 schools. its also 4 open slots to 16 for the sec/b10 to add. both WILL add to fill it up slots wise as the sec network will be born in janurary and the b10 network will get a redo contract wise in the coming years. as always nd is the longterm prize but what the acc and espn did is highly suspicious right now. something is up. on top of all that recently uconn and cincy have gotten media again about what happens to them etc. the media pumping...remember i talk about this all the time?

then the big east bballs meet. why? well we talked about it in an other thread. but in the end espn would love to have a bball only league for cheap that they can fill inventory with.

then also the NNNBE came out with schedules early which is just wierd. the west school are on it which is just more weird. it means they are playing atleast 1 year in the league as of right now. why did the NBE do that?

my take? the acc is on edge and about to lose some teams. it can either take a few more blows or get totally ripped apart. espn might have just saved them but they will still get hurt more. by keeping them relevant and not totally ripped part, espn thinks it can hang on to nd.

uva/uconn to the b10 and unc/duke to the sec. that leaves the acc with cuse/bc/pitt/vt/wake/ncst/gt/clem/fsu/miami/lville. they can add cincy to get back to 12 and have nd for what they have them now.

now the only left outs are questionable ones in usf and temple. no one will stand up for either of those 2 in the media or court on being left out so in the end the big boys got away with eerything that happened. you have 2 monster leagues in the b10 and sec and the networks they pump and 2 solid leagues in the pac and b12 and now the acc lives and espn can pump the power 5 without a question from others. the pac then can sit and just watch who rises out west for adds to 16+ down the road(bsu/sdsu/byu.....). the b12 lives for now and it becomes a cold war between the b12 and acc or fox and espn as to which will one day get ate up for the power 4 to be born.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Power four... people keep talking about this. Well lemme think about this for a second. If the breakaway from the NCAA happens, it might not be as a power four but as a power one. Can say, Minnesota, or Colorado, or Wake Forest really say they belong in a semipro breakaway football league with the likes of Ohio State, Florida, Alabama, USC? I don't think so. 4 x 16 = 64; 4 x 20 = 80. Either one includes all the heavyweights but also a bunch of middleweights (and UConn would try to get in as a middleweight too). I think superconferences are not a route to breakaway... only a route to bloated conferences. Which might be okay if UConn winds up in one.

But my point - I don't see what is the modus operandi for paring down from 5 to 4. Yes, there are two weak legs instead of one strong one, and yes if there were a majical commissioner of college football you could come up with nice scenarios. But there isn't a commissioner, and as long as both the ACC and B12 have an okay revenue flow, both will continue to exist. Especially since they can offset any losses with UConn, Cincy, USF, etc.


Aug 24, 2011
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just seems like to me espn and the acc are trying to make a last ditch effort to save the ship. i mean how is 5 nd games worth that much? we dont even know how many of those 5 a year are going to be nd away games where espn can carry them vs nbc right? so its a bit wild $ wise i think.

the b10 is going to get a new espn contract soon, espn just bumped that up a ton $ wise doing this. for espn to be ok doing that means that they must have a hand in the b10 and who they pick or know that who the b10 is picking will not kill the acc by itself. hint hint they can get uva and uconn and the acc still lives as the acc has vt still in the va market and can add cincy and gain ohio...basically giving up one front and letting the b10 do its thing and actually paying them rel well to do so but also keeping themselves alive in the process so both sides win.
Aug 27, 2011
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There are too many state institutions in the conferences that would "break away" that there would be lawsuits galore and legislators going up everyone's ass before anything like that happened.
Sep 2, 2011
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the report of nd bump was made by a guy who later admitted his math was faulty by the questions he posed. he assumed 5 games/$5m fb game, 20% to bb rev, about $30m/15 teams=$2m team bump.

but the guy forgot that nbc gets the home game dollars, so new math there. 2 or 3 acc home games, not 5. oops.

the bump might get $1-1.5m team

acc=$17m 2015

big 10=$33m 2015

acc rents. big ten owns.
Aug 27, 2011
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Doesn't matter if it's a $2m per team bump, it still puts them way behind the other four.
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