Joey Knight@TBTimes_Bulls 6 hours ago
Commish says AAC teams "don't play nearly as many P5 schools that we should" in current bowl setup.
Q: How do you see the American in regards to its bowl games? Do you think it's in good shape?
A: "I think it can be stronger. I like the destinations that we have. I think we can do even better in the next round. I think we did a really good job in getting the tie-ins that we had considering what happened to us four years ago when we had bowl tie-ins that disappeared. But I think in terms of revenue, in terms of the prominence of the games, in terms of the opponents – getting more and more P5 opponents. When the current bowl system ends in 2019, I think we'll have a chance to really upgrade our bowl situation. Now having said that, we have great locations. How can you argue with Orlando, Boca, Bahamas, Las Vegas, Birmingham? We've got some really good sites. It's a good lineup, but we don't play nearly as many P5 schools that we should. One of the concerns I have is our champion isn't getting a chance to play not only on New Year's Day but one of the top teams in the P5, so consequently that's something we'll try to remedy as we move forward."