A couple of things on progress and coaching, big issues.... | The Boneyard

A couple of things on progress and coaching, big issues....

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Aug 26, 2011
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One thing to point out is that the only group that improved all year was the OL. Anyone remember who is in charge of the OL? Interesting. The worst component of the entire team, the inexperienced and dreadful OL improved dramatically and it is coached by the lone holdover, Foley.

Also, I am interested to see if we hear Warde mention anything about Weist at all in the next few weeks. I think Warde passed on hiring TJ because he didn't have quite the resume Diaco did and it was a very critical hire. I'm sure he would have given TJ a chance if his resume were a little more impressive. Warde seems to like the positive, inspiring type personalities. I think what we see now is that if you are much more positive and inspiring than TJ, you are probably insane. I will venture a guess that Casey Cochran went without a jacket, wearing only a polo shirt in the cold earlier this year as either a tribute to or as an emulation of a man he has great admiration for. The guys absolutely responded to him and I am positive Warde regrets his decision at this point.

There is a slight possibility that Warde could bring TJ back, simply because he can get him cheap and he was already Warde's hand picked OC and then interim coach. Maybe some sort of mea culpa, "TJ was a great leader and ambassador for UConn and I agonized about letting him go but decided we needed a complete overhaul and wanted to try starting over. It has become evident that my gut instinct was probably right, and TJ was the right guy for the job all along". I highly doubt it, but Warde may be thinking about where we are a little harder than most of us realize. There is about an 80% chance that Diaco is a long term disaster based on current evidence. In fact, there is enough evidence to support his incompetence that if there was a law against being an awful head coach, Biz could get him locked up for life (and he's not even a prosecutor). Diaco is so alarmingly odd that I feel like Warde is almost falling on his sword if he tries to defend him.

Think about being Warde and having to sit down in Susan Herbst's office and answer this question: Warde, I'm a little concerned about the football program. Bob's methods seem a little, well let's say, unorthodox. Do you believe he is the right man for the job or do we need to cut bait? I was all for the hire and I won't hold it against you if you tell me we need to rethink things. If you could have TJ back right now and we could buy Bob out, would you? Is there another, affordable coach out there that you think would be better? Again, I want to be clear, we are partners here and I am not scolding you. Basketball and hockey are in great hands thanks to your decisions. You are doing a good job. However, I need you to tell me, would you take a mulligan on Diaco if I could get you one? "

Yes, I realize that firing Diaco is highly unlikely. Yes, I realize firing a coach after season one is frowned upon. Yes, I realize a buy out is costly and times are tight. Yes, I realize it almost certainly isn't happening. However, I am a pretty successful guy and I've made a lot of very good decisions following my instincts. There are some other very successful people on this board who are feeling the same gut instinct. There doesn't really seem to be the call for patience and calling off the witch hunt that one would normally see from many of us, not even the most conservative of us. Rather, there seems to be a consensus that we are in deep sheet with this guy and that is even more alarming. Based on what I see, I think we are being Kragthorped, and my gut is telling me that my eyes are right.
Aug 27, 2011
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Here's the thing. We're not firing Diaco. TJ is not coming back. We HAD to get this hire right. We don't get another chance at this. If Diaco flops, the program is dead. So hand wringing and pining for Weist is not good for your mental health.

All year long I've been a critic. But I was never ready to call him a long term bust. I crossed that threshold yesterday. My fears about the players not responding (or even liking) to him have been realized. I expect BL's soliloquy later will tell me how "dumb" my position is, but so be it.

I genuinely hope I'm dead wrong. I've hoped that all season. I'd gladly eat a heaping plate of crow. We'll see.
Nov 8, 2011
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Hoophound, I think many are with your line of thinking. I will say this based on the thread of the title and that there's has been NO progress period! I could care less about small morale victories based on small improvement here and there, that's EXPECTED as the season goes on, not a positive note to rest our hat on. The fact that we have regressed so much compare to our performance against BYU and Boise to losing to a "defeated" team that was just mocked on Sportcenter for not knowing how to line up in the victory formation is BULL$HIT!
Aug 26, 2011
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I truly agree with what you said and stated so in the OP. The odds of firing Diaco are slim to none.
However, Warde is literally slitting his own throat keeping him. Some guys are man enough to swing for the fences and fix a mistake rather than crash and burn long term. Diaco's in game decisions and press conferences are odd enough that this may be a little more complicated than we realize. Warde is a football guy and he has seen the decision making first hand. How does he process that stuff and come away feeling confident?


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Diaco isn't getting fired. Period. That doesn't mean he has done anything to keep his name off of the Hot Seat list beginning with 2015 Game 1. 2014 is a full mulligan year. That mulligan is now over. 2015 better see significant improvements. I'd settle for game planning to actually try to win games and not use LIVE games as practices or processes.

The hot seat starts with two winnable home games to start the 2015 season: Villanova and Army. If he loses any one of those games, then we're probably in for another sh1tshow of a season and that would be perfectly acceptable grounds to go in a different coaching direction.

While Diaco is going anywhere, I would sign up for a new OC. Cummings play calling was uninspired and showed absolutely zero effort to move the ball. If Weist would agree to come back as OC, I'd be all for that. But I'm fairly certain he wouldn't. The guy wants to be a head coach and I can't blame him for that.
Aug 27, 2011
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Diaco isn't getting fired. Period. That doesn't mean he has done anything to keep his name off of the Hot Seat list beginning with 2015 Game 1. 2014 is a full mulligan year. That mulligan is now over. 2015 better see significant improvements. I'd settle for game planning to actually try to win games and not use LIVE games as practices or processes.

The hot seat starts with two winnable home games to start the 2015 season: Villanova and Army. If he loses any one of those games, then we're probably in for another sh1tshow of a season and that would be perfectly acceptable grounds to go in a different coaching direction.

While Diaco is going anywhere, I would sign up for a new OC. Cummings play calling was uninspired and showed absolutely zero effort to move the ball. If Weist would agree to come back as OC, I'd be all for that. But I'm fairly certain he wouldn't. The guy wants to be a head coach and I can't blame him for that.

Cummings isn't calling the plays now. He's the guy doing the sign language thing next to guy speaking. Or vice versa. Or something like that.

Also, TJ isn't going to get a HC gig after sitting out the year. And he certainly is not gonna be brought back here by Diaco. So lets stop with that nonsense right now.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Cummings isn't calling the plays now. He's the guy doing the sign language thing next to guy speaking. Or vice versa. Or something like that.

Also, TJ isn't going to get a HC gig after sitting out the year. And he certainly is not gonna be brought back here by Diaco. So lets stop with that nonsense right now.

I don't think he would either. TJ will be a head coach some where I'm sure. My point is that OC needs to be addressed this offseason. Cummings is as qualified to call plays as some random 8 year old playing Madden '15 on his Xbox.
Aug 30, 2011
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The offensive line had no where to go but up, they were awful. They improved some as things were simplified under the HC's directive. But overall, they were/are not all that good. Saying they improved is like going from an F to a D, but yes they did improve.. It will be interesting to see the competition in the middle for next year. I believe they are committed to the tackles as they are seen as developing/improving. Thank you for coming back Gus Cruz.

I thought the starting TE this year was going to be Thompson, Thought he had decent size, was regarded as a good blocker and could catch the ball but he left for his own reasons. We played with smallish and/or underdeveloped people at 6-3 ,6-5, 6-7 and 235lbs. Thought the 6-3 guy was the best blocker of the bunch and that's not saying much. Hopefully they will get bigger here next year, especially Bloom because I think he will be more confident in engaging defenders while still being regarded as a pass catching TE.

Thank you Chandler for seeing us through this very difficult time, I appreciated you stepping in, I do. But, I have never witnessed anyone at his position for as long as I have followed the program, throw as many pick6s or interceptions deep into the other guy's field, fumble and deflate the crowd or team. Mr. Boyle is not the answer. We are going to have Qbs that are 6-3 230 lbs that can run the ball, that want to run the ball and know how to run the ball.

I think Johnson is a mature, decent rb, Max was ok, none are very good at blocking. Didn't have the little guy that ran for 2500 yards. Newsome showed flashes also lost four fumbles.

Mr. Phillips got out while the getting was good. Davis is a good possession receiver. There is nobody on the roster that you need to double team save Davis. Maybe a developing group overall.

The interior of the Dline were stalwarts. Mr. Frank was as good of a DE/LB as he was a FB. We need to get more out of this hybrid position. Hope Carrezola comes back raring to go.

Vann was pretty good. Stewart reminds me of Dave Kingman, homerun or strikeout. not our best corps at this position group. Very interested in the competition here next year.

Addams made plays , Jones was big loss, Obi has physical talent don't know about his head, the rest, meh. Backups went bye-bye this summer. McAllister looks like a player, not sure I see him as a CB.

As far as KO/ return guys, someone needs to fully commit to their decisions.

Sorry, I don't trust Bobby Puyol to make a needed kick.

In reviewing position spots. I counted on;
1 rb -Johnson, and on the fence with Max.
1 wr-Davis-gone
1 lb- Vann
1 cb -Jones-hurt and gone
1 s-Addams
1 DT combo Campenni/Myers

That's it. Not really much there.

I think there will be improved play next year among all position groups except the defensive backfield and the kicking game. Maybe the K from Buffalo will be better.
Aug 24, 2011
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Here's the thing. We're not firing Diaco. TJ is not coming back. We HAD to get this hire right. We don't get another chance at this. If Diaco flops, the program is dead. So hand wringing and pining for Weist is not good for your mental health.

All year long I've been a critic. But I was never ready to call him a long term bust. I crossed that threshold yesterday. My fears about the players not responding (or even liking) to him have been realized. I expect BL's soliloquy later will tell me how "dumb" my position is, but so be it.

I genuinely hope I'm dead wrong. I've hoped that all season. I'd gladly eat a heaping plate of crow. We'll see.

I think his performance has sunk below where you will find anyone wasting time defending him. But he is going to be our coach next year, and we have the comfort of knowing that he was well respected and that other good coaches stunk in their first year somewhere.

So we have no choice but to hope that things move forward from here. Or bail. And I'm not the one telling people not to bail. This season, between the play and the weather, was beyond unbearable, and certainly not fun, and people have to make their own choices about what to do with their time and money.

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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No progress. Regression in fact. Sounds familiar. What we need is for Diaco to be found with a dead girl or a live boy. Any volunteers? Jraz?
Jan 26, 2014
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UCONN football has huge revenue potential. Therefore, a business plan based on a Fortune 200 heavy industry subsidiary model applies. Said model would have dictated a change in vp of operations already.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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No progress. Regression in fact. Sounds familiar. What we need is for Diaco to be found with a dead girl or a live boy. Any volunteers? Jraz?

Great idea. Best of luck pulling it off.
Aug 26, 2011
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Cummings isn't calling the plays now. He's the guy doing the sign language thing next to guy speaking. Or vice versa. Or something like that.

sign language.gif
Aug 26, 2011
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I think his performance has sunk below where you will find anyone wasting time defending him. But he is going to be our coach next year, and we have the comfort of knowing that he was well respected and that other good coaches stunk in their first year somewhere.

This is were I landed. Bizarre, uncomfortable, discouraging season. Had low expectations with coaching change and state of program. Next year needs significant improvement or there will be a very difficult decision to be made by leadership... a third year is not a guarantee.
Jun 23, 2014
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No progress. Regression in fact. Sounds familiar. What we need is for Diaco to be found with a dead girl or a live boy. Any volunteers? Jraz?

Your son and your Mom must be so proud of your posting.
Aug 27, 2011
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We have the comfort of knowing that he was well respected and that other good coaches stunk in their first year.

This is the most hopeful phrase to take into the off season. He won the Broyles award. How could he have gone so quickly from well respected to publicly ridiculed? While it's very easy to be skeptical, I've come to embrace the opposite opinion, that Diaco is just as likely to be quirkily brilliant. And Machiavellian. I keep thinking some of his head scratching moves will come into focus next year when the revamped O and D take the field. I sat through every one of our frustrating early season home games, went to Tampa for the USF monsoon game and stayed to the end of our cold rainy end of year encounters. It was mostly a nightmare season and extremely disheartening, but we have no choice except to hope that things move forward from here. Or quit. Listen, my wife is ready to pull the plug, as are many of you. But I refuse to give up--on the kids, the team, the program and the coach. Call me crazy but I see a younger version of Pete Carroll. I remember Pete as a rah-rah guy with quirky ideas who was ridiculed as the losses piled up. Sound familiar. Then he became a youthful spirited winner. Have a good winter.

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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Your son and your Mom must be so proud of your posting.

My mother has severe alzheimers and yet she makes more sense than Crazy Uncle Bob. Never heard her say the starting QB is not a Key Starter that's for sure.
Oct 12, 2013
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This is the most hopeful phrase to take into the off season. He won the Broyles award. How could he have gone so quickly from well respected to publicly ridiculed? While it's very easy to be skeptical, I've come to embrace the opposite opinion, that Diaco is just as likely to be quirkily brilliant. And Machiavellian. I keep thinking some of his head scratching moves will come into focus next year when the revamped O and D take the field. I sat through every one of our frustrating early season home games, went to Tampa for the USF monsoon game and stayed to the end of our cold rainy end of year encounters. It was mostly a nightmare season and extremely disheartening, but we have no choice except to hope that things move forward from here. Or quit. Listen, my wife is ready to pull the plug, as are many of you. But I refuse to give up--on the kids, the team, the program and the coach. Call me crazy but I see a younger version of Pete Carroll. I remember Pete as a rah-rah guy with quirky ideas who was ridiculed as the losses piled up. Sound familiar. Then he became a youthful spirited winner. Have a good winter.

Love the Pete Carroll comparison. I'd sacrifice another goat or two to make that happen!
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Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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When did Pete Carroll ever pile up losses? Before going to USC he made the playoffs twice with the Pats and was 8-8 in the other year. He was 6-6 in his first year at USC and then for the next 7 years never won less than 11 games. Bob Diaco would love to have that pile instead of the ones in his arse.
Nov 30, 2013
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This is the most hopeful phrase to take into the off season. He won the Broyles award. How could he have gone so quickly from well respected to publicly ridiculed? While it's very easy to be skeptical, I've come to embrace the opposite opinion, that Diaco is just as likely to be quirkily brilliant. And Machiavellian. I keep thinking some of his head scratching moves will come into focus next year when the revamped O and D take the field. I sat through every one of our frustrating early season home games, went to Tampa for the USF monsoon game and stayed to the end of our cold rainy end of year encounters. It was mostly a nightmare season and extremely disheartening, but we have no choice except to hope that things move forward from here. Or quit. Listen, my wife is ready to pull the plug, as are many of you. But I refuse to give up--on the kids, the team, the program and the coach. Call me crazy but I see a younger version of Pete Carroll. I remember Pete as a rah-rah guy with quirky ideas who was ridiculed as the losses piled up. Sound familiar. Then he became a youthful spirited winner. Have a good winter.

I'm with you. I may be a bit naïve or jaded, but I think a lot of what happened can be chalked up to rookie mistakes. He's too detail oriented type of a guy to not look over everything that went on this season and not make some adjustments to his plan.
Oct 13, 2012
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How has BD recruited? I'll admit I can't make heads or tails of football recruiting. He's been, at times, head-scratchingly bad at coaching on the field, but when this guy came in a bunch of us were more excited to see the kind of kids he'd be able to bring in with his charisma.

But looking at these press conferences, he's thrown the team under the bus more than a few times in what came off as a plea to deflect criticism away from himself. He never offers any specifics. It's always "we're not quite there yet but we're getting there, I have no doubt", "I could point to SO MANY areas where we've improved this year" (but then actually points to none), and then just pandering to fans. I wonder if he can even recruit. He's charismatic for sure, but he's also the first person to blame everyone else for this season. Recruits must see that.

Perfect Hair

I saw Diaco drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vics
Oct 24, 2014
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The only thing that keeps me off the pipe is the thought that he has to be a much better recruiter than he is a coach.
Aug 31, 2011
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When did Pete Carroll ever pile up losses? Before going to USC he made the playoffs twice with the Pats and was 8-8 in the other year. He was 6-6 in his first year at USC and then for the next 7 years never won less than 11 games. Bob Diaco would love to have that pile instead of the ones in his arse.

when he coached the NFL's worst franchise, the Jets - that would have been his first HC gig


Talkers talk, doers do. My sense is Diaco is in the talker category.
Jan 29, 2012
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Talkers talk, doers do. My sense is Diaco is in the talker category.
I wpuld say he does both. He may or may not be successful but no one can say he lacks work ethic
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