A conversation with Aresco | The Boneyard

A conversation with Aresco

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Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Key quote (emphasis added):
Our next television/media contract will be critical to our future. We enjoy great exposure from our ESPN and CBS Sports Network deals and that helps us build our brand. But we need and deserve more revenue. We have come a long way in three years. We will continue our upward trajectory and I am confident that that will result in a far better television deal in a few years. We will be a sought-after league.

and on the same note:

When we did our TV deal, we were not as stable as we are now. We were a reinvented league that people were not sure about, and therefore we were not in a position to generate maximum revenue at the time. But we were able to get incredible exposure for the conference and that will help build our brand, which should lead to more revenue down the road. We have been getting stronger each year. We are building our fan bases. We are earning national respect. All that will translate into higher ratings and value for our television partners.
Dec 18, 2012
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As much as I hate how UConn is stuck in this conference, it's good to see Aresco is still all on the "P6" angle. I certainly don't envy his position but he is right about this conference deserving more $$. West Va excluded, I think the current football line-up is right on par with the old BE (circa '06-'12). Even if the product is slightly down it is nothing close to revenue disparity between UConn/Cincy/Houston/Navy/Memphis compared to the 'POWER' schools such as Pitt/Cuse/BCU/Rutgers/MD/ect.
May 29, 2015
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As much as I hate how UConn is stuck in this conference, it's good to see Aresco is still all on the "P6" angle. I certainly don't envy his position but he is right about this conference deserving more $$. West Va excluded, I think the current football line-up is right on par with the old BE (circa '06-'12). Even if the product is slightly down it is nothing close to revenue disparity between UConn/Cincy/Houston/Navy/Memphis compared to the 'POWER' schools such as Pitt/Cuse/BCU/Rutgers/MD/ect.

Having 4 undefeated teams into the second weekend of October definitely helps make his P6 argument.

Key is going to be grabbing that New Year's 6 bowl slot every year. Boise State will always start with the inside track to that game, but if the champion of the AAC comes out undefeated I'm not sure how you can pass them over.


We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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The bottom line: AAC schools must beat P5 schools and power independent schools every time they play. Period. It doesn't really matter if they are undefeated against FCS and cupcake programs. Beat PSU, beat ND, beat BYU, etc. Then AAC will get respect. That will help us in two ways: 1) we play in a higher profile conference against good teams and eventually get more money and respect or 2) we get into the B1G.
Dec 2, 2012
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I find myself watching every American Football game on TV I can find. I was very anti the conference two years ago and never watched a game outside UConn, but now find myself pulling for the American teams same way I used to pull for the Big East teams. The contrasting styles from Navy to us to the wild Texas based spread teams has made for some intriguing matchups.

I originally though Aresco made a mistake giving away for free but he clearly had a plan. American has been dominating eyes with its Thursday and Friday night football. My buddy in Gainesville told me they had BYU/UConn on at "The Swamp" and he watched the whole thing.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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The "P6" stuff is cute, but bears no actual weight. Don't get me wrong, I want Aresco to continue beating this mythical dead unicorn if it means we get a few extra pennies in our next TV deal. But there are only a few programs that can sell out their own stadium this year and two of the AAC's best, Memphis and Houston, are not one of them.
May 29, 2015
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The "P6" stuff is cute, but bears no actual weight. Don't get me wrong, I want Aresco to continue beating this mythical dead unicorn if it means we get a few extra pennies in our next TV deal. But there are only a few programs that can sell out their own stadium this year and two of the AAC's best, Memphis and Houston, are not one of them.

The problem w/Aresco's P6 campaign is that there is a very clear path to how he achieves it and it has nothing to do with TV revenue or exposure.

The P5 became the P5 because all of those conferences have access to the New Year's 6 bowl line up every single year.

B1G = Rose
Pac 12 = Rose
SEC = Sugar/Orange
ACC = Orange
Big 12 = Sugar
Notre Dame = Orange

So when Aresco talks about there being a P6 as opposed to a P5, he's screaming into the wind until we can get access to one of these games. Increased TV revenue would be huge for the conference, but ultimately would not get us out of the G5.

If Aresco really wants to hit a home run and become canonized into college football lore, he'll work and maneuver his way into getting The American a tie-in to one of the following bowls that are currently reserved for G5 representative or a P5 at large:

Cotton Bowl
Peach Bowl
Fiesta Bowl

Now, given the fact that the AAC has a Southern Flavor to it with representative schools in Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida, Louisiana and North Carolina, if the conference can show it's competitive and travels well (BIG KEY) then I don't think it's inconceivable that the Cotton or Peach could consider giving them a tie-in.

Unfortunately the current structure is in place through the 2025 season, so unless things drastically change on and off the field for the AAC I can't see anything happening before then.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Honestly, I don't even think it's worth spending the time debating how/when the AAC can elevate its profile. It can't. There are far too many decks stacked against it. The P5 can literally change the rules whenever it wants if it ever feels threatened in some way. The NCAA only penalizes non-P5 schools for violating those rules. It is way too hard for a G5 school to get any voting love no matter what they do on the field (or court) which means that college sports is still a popularity contest. Who's the most popular? The P5.

The only thing I worry about is how UConn can elevate its own profile...which it is doing at a rapid rate. For me, that is good enough.
May 29, 2015
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Honestly, I don't even think it's worth spending the time debating how/when the AAC can elevate its profile. It can't. There are far too many decks stacked against it. The P5 can literally change the rules whenever it wants if it ever feels threatened in some way. The NCAA only penalizes non-P5 schools for violating those rules. It is way too hard for a G5 school to get any voting love no matter what they do on the field (or court) which means that college sports is still a popularity contest. Who's the most popular? The P5.

The only thing I worry about is how UConn can elevate its own profile...which it is doing at a rapid rate. For me, that is good enough.

Amen to that.

Just laying out how impossible Aresco's mission really is.
Aug 26, 2011
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The problem w/Aresco's P6 campaign is that there is a very clear path to how he achieves it and it has nothing to do with TV revenue or exposure.

The P5 became the P5 because all of those conferences have access to the New Year's 6 bowl line up every single year.

B1G = Rose
Pac 12 = Rose
SEC = Sugar/Orange
ACC = Orange
Big 12 = Sugar
Notre Dame = Orange

So when Aresco talks about there being a P6 as opposed to a P5, he's screaming into the wind until we can get access to one of these games. Increased TV revenue would be huge for the conference, but ultimately would not get us out of the G5.

If Aresco really wants to hit a home run and become canonized into college football lore, he'll work and maneuver his way into getting The American a tie-in to one of the following bowls that are currently reserved for G5 representative or a P5 at large:

Cotton Bowl
Peach Bowl
Fiesta Bowl

Now, given the fact that the AAC has a Southern Flavor to it with representative schools in Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida, Louisiana and North Carolina, if the conference can show it's competitive and travels well (BIG KEY) then I don't think it's inconceivable that the Cotton or Peach could consider giving them a tie-in.

Unfortunately the current structure is in place through the 2025 season, so unless things drastically change on and off the field for the AAC I can't see anything happening before then.
Agree. When Miami was in the Big East, the Orange Bowl was tied to the Big East Champion (for obvious reasons). Once Miami left, the O.B. wanted out of that arrangement, changed its affiliation to the ACC & agreed to BCS stipulations of rotation. The Big East was left spitting into the wind as it had no "home bowl" as the other BCS conference did. Once the ACC 's 2nd raid occurred, WVU left for greener pastures, & the schism with the Catholics occurs the newly formed American wasn't considered P-5-6 worthy. The handwriting was on the wall once Miami left.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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The television ratings in no way demonstrate that the American is dominating anything on Thursdays or Fridays.

Unless having all three games include AAC teams on a Thursday & Friday and then those games pulling low ratings is dominating.

For example FSU/BC had 700k more viewers than both UConn/BYU and USF/Memphis... combined.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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The television ratings in no way demonstrate that the American is dominating anything on Thursdays or Fridays.

Unless having all three games include AAC teams on a Thursday & Friday and then those games pulling low ratings is dominating.

For example FSU/BC had 700k more viewers than both UConn/BYU and USF/Memphis... combined.

So there is no hope of more money?
May 29, 2015
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The television ratings in no way demonstrate that the American is dominating anything on Thursdays or Fridays.

Unless having all three games include AAC teams on a Thursday & Friday and then those games pulling low ratings is dominating.

For example FSU/BC had 700k more viewers than both UConn/BYU and USF/Memphis... combined.

UConn/BYU kicked off at 10:30 p.m. on a Friday night.

FSU is a nationally ranked program with a national fan base playing at 8 p.m.

Kind of apples and oranges here, no?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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UConn/BYU kicked off at 10:30 p.m. on a Friday night.

FSU is a nationally ranked program with a national fan base playing at 8 p.m.

Kind of apples and oranges here, no?

So you agree the Amercian isn't dominating eyeballs on Thursday and Friday nights?
May 29, 2015
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So you agree the Amercian isn't dominating eyeballs on Thursday and Friday nights?

Who is arguing that point?

Many have commented that an increase in TV revenue is possible, but it's not a Panacea for the conference and to your point previously closing the huge gaps is probably not feasible, but getting more than the peanuts we are getting now certainly is possible.

So yeah, congrats, you proved that one of the most successful college football programs in the sports history can get more eye balls on a Friday night in a better time slot.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Who is arguing that point?

Many have commented that an increase in TV revenue is possible, but it's not a Panacea for the conference and to your point previously closing the huge gaps is probably not feasible, but getting more than the peanuts we are getting now certainly is possible.

So yeah, congrats, you proved that one of the most successful college football programs in the sports history can get more eye balls on a Friday night in a better time slot.

Maybe read all the posts.

I originally though Aresco made a mistake giving away for free but he clearly had a plan. American has been dominating eyes with its Thursday and Friday night football. My buddy in Gainesville told me they had BYU/UConn on at "The Swamp" and he watched the whole thing.

And the math since you seem to be hung up on the time alot:

The FSU game was 700k more viewers than the two AAC games combined. One of which had the same time slot.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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So when UConn leaves, who replaces us?

Northern Iowa?
Georgia State?
Ye Old NE Louisiana Tech State?

No matter what, it won't be petty.
Aug 26, 2011
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So when UConn leaves, who replaces us?

Northern Iowa?
Georgia State?
Ye Old NE Louisiana Tech State?

No matter what, it won't be petty.

Filling #12 on the AAC chart has far more alternatives than really solid "academically rising", "flagship state university", "competitive brand" alternatives for the P5. I can see several of the schools listed and more as attractive. Major markets are not covered by even decent exposure to TV air. I would also put Old Dominion, UTSA (San Antonio is growing like weeds) on your list (with UMass, Buffalo, Georgia State - only on potential - as the top tier). Have Northern Illinois University become your Chicago market.

Things are going to change. As much as the lock on the P5 door seems solid, some Universities are going to break down that façade.
May 29, 2015
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Maybe read all the posts.

I originally though Aresco made a mistake giving away for free but he clearly had a plan. American has been dominating eyes with its Thursday and Friday night football. My buddy in Gainesville told me they had BYU/UConn on at "The Swamp" and he watched the whole thing.

And the math since you seem to be hung up on the time alot:

The FSU game was 700k more viewers than the two AAC games combined. One of which had the same time slot.

Got it. Forgive me for missing the one sentence in the one post that you commented on, but didn't quote back to.

So your argument is that because the Florida State Seminoles - The No. 6 ranked team at the time in the coaches poll and No. 9 in the AP - who have a three decade long history of success that includes multiple national titles, playing a game on ESPN at 8 p.m. on a Friday night can outdraw two AAC games by less than one million viewers, that means that nobody is watching the AAC?

For crying out loud FSU drew almost 2.25 million for a game against USF! People ALWAYS watch them.

To make the argument that two unranked teams in Memphis and USF (who has 1 win) should be able to hang with them in the ratings game, that's just ridiculous. And FWIW they were not on the same network as the AAC games were on ESPN2.

Regarding the Huskies:

UConn/BYU attracted just under 1.25 million viewers at 10:30 the next week on ESPN2.

By comparison, in the previous week (week 4) in that time slot on FS1, Stanford-Oregon State drew under 775,000 (there was no game in that time slot on ESPN that week).

In week 3 when UConn-Mizzou was on ESPN at Noon on Saturday they drew 1.94 million viewers, compared to the 590,000 that tuned in at the same time slot on ESPN2 for Illinois-UNC. Only Michigan State-Air Force airing nationally on ABC outperformed them and only by less than 500,000 viewers.

So sure, both times UConn has been on ESPN this season we've been pretty impressive, but go ahead and harp on the fact that we're not Florida State as a means to bash The American and diminish the school's showing.

Looking forward to your argument about how pathetic Germany's economy is because it's not America's even though both countries make cars.
Aug 26, 2011
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Got it. Forgive me for missing the one sentence in the one post that you commented on, but didn't quote back to.

So your argument is that because the Florida State Seminoles - The No. 6 ranked team at the time in the coaches poll and No. 9 in the AP - who have a three decade long history of success that includes multiple national titles, playing a game on ESPN at 8 p.m. on a Friday night can outdraw two AAC games by less than one million viewers, that means that nobody is watching the AAC?

For crying out loud FSU drew almost 2.25 million for a game against USF! People ALWAYS watch them.

To make the argument that two unranked teams in Memphis and USF (who has 1 win) should be able to hang with them in the ratings game, that's just ridiculous. And FWIW they were not on the same network as the AAC games were on ESPN2.

Regarding the Huskies:

UConn/BYU attracted just under 1.25 million viewers at 10:30 the next week on ESPN2.

By comparison, in the previous week (week 4) in that time slot on FS1, Stanford-Oregon State drew under 775,000 (there was no game in that time slot on ESPN that week).

In week 3 when UConn-Mizzou was on ESPN at Noon on Saturday they drew 1.94 million viewers, compared to the 590,000 that tuned in at the same time slot on ESPN2 for Illinois-UNC. Only Michigan State-Air Force airing nationally on ABC outperformed them and only by less than 500,000 viewers.

So sure, both times UConn has been on ESPN this season we've been pretty impressive, but go ahead and harp on the fact that we're not Florida State as a means to bash The American and diminish the school's showing.

Looking forward to your argument about how pathetic Germany's economy is because it's not America's even though both countries make cars.

OMG ... Research. Due Diligence. NOT throwing crap at the wall.
Jan 14, 2014
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Ratings is all about perspective. FSU vs Wake Forest only drew 1.273M viewers as a Saturday 3:30 game on ESPN whereas Cincy/Miami drew 1.348M Thursday night and UCONN/BYU drew 1.240M viewers late Friday night. Even Memphis/USF had 1.155M viewers on that Friday night. That's not really all that bad. Thurs/Friday is helping viewership.

Consider these on the same weekend:
Two B1G teams: MSU/Purdue: 1.266M - Noon Saturday (ESPN2)
Two B12 teams: Oklahoma/WVU: 1.238M - Noon Saturday (FS1)
Two B12 teams: Texas Tech/Baylor: 0.931M - 3:30 Saturday (ESPN2)

These are P5 teams with comparable or worse viewership than Thurs/Fri AAC games.
Aug 26, 2011
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See ... what we also know: the differential between the payout of a ACC school to an AAC school is about 7 to 1 for ESPN and other network player/partners. We aren't getting, despite not having a Seminoles branding, .400M viewers. Someone is making dough.

We have better cool uniforms; a crazy coach; and lots of interesting ways to play offense in our AAC Conference. I guess these are productive years. More offense and wins will get us back over the 35,000 attendance mark & we build from there.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Got it. Forgive me for missing the one sentence in the one post that you commented on, but didn't quote back to.

So your argument is that because the Florida State Seminoles - The No. 6 ranked team at the time in the coaches poll and No. 9 in the AP - who have a three decade long history of success that includes multiple national titles, playing a game on ESPN at 8 p.m. on a Friday night can outdraw two AAC games by less than one million viewers, that means that nobody is watching the AAC?

For crying out loud FSU drew almost 2.25 million for a game against USF! People ALWAYS watch them.

To make the argument that two unranked teams in Memphis and USF (who has 1 win) should be able to hang with them in the ratings game, that's just ridiculous. And FWIW they were not on the same network as the AAC games were on ESPN2.

Regarding the Huskies:

UConn/BYU attracted just under 1.25 million viewers at 10:30 the next week on ESPN2.

By comparison, in the previous week (week 4) in that time slot on FS1, Stanford-Oregon State drew under 775,000 (there was no game in that time slot on ESPN that week).

In week 3 when UConn-Mizzou was on ESPN at Noon on Saturday they drew 1.94 million viewers, compared to the 590,000 that tuned in at the same time slot on ESPN2 for Illinois-UNC. Only Michigan State-Air Force airing nationally on ABC outperformed them and only by less than 500,000 viewers.

So sure, both times UConn has been on ESPN this season we've been pretty impressive, but go ahead and harp on the fact that we're not Florida State as a means to bash The American and diminish the school's showing.

Looking forward to your argument about how pathetic Germany's economy is because it's not America's even though both countries make cars.

My comment was that the American doesn't dominate Thursday and Friday night ratings. I didn't say they should - I am just pointing out with actual quantifiable evidence that statement is not true.

Beyond that you are ranting and raving about arguments that I didn't make nor imply.
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