5 Guys - Army | The Boneyard

5 Guys - Army

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Aug 26, 2011
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I was at the Army game this weekend. It was fun to win, but I didn't know what the tape would hold when I googled over to uconnhuskygames.com

After watching the feed, I am very upbeat going into the rest of the season. We really kicked their a all over the field, with the exception of 2 plays.

Here's 5 guys that deserve some pub.

Graham Stewart (RS-SR)- I couldn't believe my eyes. Seriously I rewound the tape like a dozen times on several plays, but dude set the edge like a champ the whole game. He had a number of stuffs, space plays, and absolutely teed off on the QB a few times on the option. I think a few times I actually saw the qb quick-pitch in the 3rd/4th quarter because he saw GS coming. Best game as a husky.

Junior Joseph(RS-SO) - I saw flashes of Greg Lloyd circa 2011 in this game. I counted 5 absolute brick walls he put up on the dive option. Im still not sure if he can defend the pass or not, but simply having a hammer in the middle is an invaluable weapon for a defense.

Bryant Shirreffs (RS-SO) - I don't have anything to add other than what others have already said. Dude controlled the game. Made timely passes, took appropriate risks, wiggled out of like 3 or 4 certain sacks, was really smart. I'm just going to politely request, for my mental health, that he try to not take so many big hits from time to time in the pocket.

Noel Thomas: (JR) - So impressive with his body control & hands. That over the shoulder catch was A+, next level skill.

Tyraiq Beals ( FR) - Kid has stick-um on his hands, very smooth, and super quick. That 33 yd catch was instinctive, feeling the defender behind him and making a split second judgement. Also had a couple other TOUGH catches on slants and in-routes, so he's got some courage too. I was worried coming off of some of the hits he took last week that he might come out timid, but no question, he has guts. Now, he just needs to work on not having the same body type as Todd Pinkston, and he'll explode next year. Bright future.

Now, its time for Missouri.
Apr 21, 2012
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I was at the Army game this weekend. It was fun to win, but I didn't know what the tape would hold when I googled over to uconnhuskygames.com

After watching the feed, I am very upbeat going into the rest of the season. We really kicked their a all over the field, with the exception of 2 plays.

Here's 5 guys that deserve some pub.

Graham Stewart (RS-SR)- I couldn't believe my eyes. Seriously I rewound the tape like a dozen times on several plays, but dude set the edge like a champ the whole game. He had a number of stuffs, space plays, and absolutely teed off on the QB a few times on the option. I think a few times I actually saw the qb quick-pitch in the 3rd/4th quarter because he saw GS coming. Best game as a husky.

Junior Joseph(RS-SO) - I saw flashes of Greg Lloyd circa 2011 in this game. I counted 5 absolute brick walls he put up on the dive option. Im still not sure if he can defend the pass or not, but simply having a hammer in the middle is an invaluable weapon for a defense.

Bryant Shirreffs (RS-SO) - I don't have anything to add other than what others have already said. Dude controlled the game. Made timely passes, took appropriate risks, wiggled out of like 3 or 4 certain sacks, was really smart. I'm just going to politely request, for my mental health, that he try to not take so many big hits from time to time in the pocket.

Noel Thomas: (JR) - So impressive with his body control & hands. That over the shoulder catch was A+, next level skill.

Tyraiq Beals ( FR) - Kid has stick-um on his hands, very smooth, and super quick. That 33 yd catch was instinctive, feeling the defender behind him and making a split second judgement. Also had a couple other TOUGH catches on slants and in-routes, so he's got some courage too. I was worried coming off of some of the hits he took last week that he might come out timid, but no question, he has guts. Now, he just needs to work on not having the same body type as Todd Pinkston, and he'll explode next year. Bright future.

Now, its time for Missouri.

Beals also had a real nice block on the edge for someone in the first half. to extend the play another 7-10 yards. Forget what the play call was but good to see a FR who isn't nearly filled out yet getting a good block in.


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Aug 25, 2011
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I was critical of Stewart's footspeed since he's been a Husky. My apologies, Graham. After rewatching the game last week and this past week's game, it was definitely more of an issue taking bad angles. He has been tough.

The other MAJOR improvement has been the hands of the WR's. Maybe it's better throws, and maybe the throws are better because the line has looked a little better. But how many times in the past couple of years have we watched the ball hit a guy in the hands? Foxx and Williams were two guys who could make a huge play and then drop a pass in their numbers on the next play. I love the direction this WR group is moving.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
We could give this "award" to five players after each game.

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