I'm sure some of the $2.2 Million compensation contains Health Insure, Pension and other costs. It isn't all Salary?
Hard to compare coaches' comp packages and get apples to apples.
Vandy coaches' pay is generally described in the media as salary and benefits, without specifying the benefits. As a private school, however, it files information on its top earners with the IRS as part of its annual tax exempt organization filings (Form 990).
These returns are public info.
In 2012 (most recent available), they show (Schedule J, Part II) Balcomb's total package was $2.439M of which about $1.475M was W2 pay. The rest was about $280,000 in bonus or incentives, $11,300 "other," $663,000 deferred comp, and $8,500 nontaxable (health plan premiums?).
Geno's pay is media-described as only about $400,000 in base pay with the rest being media and speaking fees (guaranteed by the University) and incentives. As a state employee, he's entitled to various pension and health plans under the state systems. Haven't looked into it, but there should be more detail available on his pay as a public employee.