A Few Thoughts

What’s up folks? We’re at that point in the summer where football news is at a minimum. Recruiting is going through a dead period, camp hasn’t started yet, and nobody is on campus. We’re 46 days away from BYU. 46 DAYS!!! This cannot come soon enough. Those of us diehards have suffered long enough.

The 3 game winning streak at the end of the year left a lot of us excited about the upcoming season. Add to that a new, energetic, exciting, young coach to lead the team has generated a buzz that we haven’t seen in a few years for UConn Football. I’m going to hold off on season predictions until the players go through camp, because you never know what can happen. But I will share a few things I’m looking forward to this upcoming season.

1.) Diaco – Obviously. I love everything about this guy. However, the 800lb gorilla in the room is can this guy win games? All the talk is great, but we need a winning season. I’m hoping he does it THIS season. I want a bowl game, period.

2.) Geremy Davis – Was a bright spot on a dreadful offense last year. Cannot wait to see the numbers Geremy puts up this year. He’s a matchup nightmare, and hopefully the staff will utilize him properly and get him the ball. A lot.

3.) Strength & Conditioning of Players – Countless times last season we looked smaller than our opponents and much more tired late in games. I’m very interested in seeing the differences in this year’s team. I really can’t wait for the updated weights to come out to see if some of our linemen have grown under this new program.

4.) The Gameday Experience – Tailgating at the Rent is top-notch. But I’m curious to see if how the changes Diaco mentioned will actually change the experience we all are so used to. I’m guilty of getting to my seat late in order to indulge in that extra burger or beverage before we head in. Clearly, I’m not the only one. I’m interested to see if these changes entice people to get to their seats earlier.

5.) BYU – Did I mention it’s only 46 days away? Look, we have a good program coming to East Hartford on a Friday Night national TV game on ESPN. What about this does not get you pumped? Don’t be a debbie downer and moan that they aren’t a P5 school, they aren’t a top 10 team, I hate Warde, blah blah blah. Enough already. New coach, new era. Get up for this game. Fill those energy buckets, and start this new era out right.

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