OT: Looking to buy a new grill................. | The Boneyard

OT: Looking to buy a new grill.................

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Time Traveler
Aug 29, 2011
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The grill I bought about 3 years ago has seen better days. The tubes are going, the buffer plates over them are shot, and there are hot spots and no uniformity. I was looking at a Weber grill for $500 (Spirit 310GBS) but might have to use great finesse on the wife to get her to agree. I was wondering, what is the best or second best grill out there. I am looking for cast iron grill plates as cast iron holds heat and is even cooking. Buget is $100 to $500 max.

So what say you, all wise and knowing Boneyard?? Thanks in advance


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm pretty much in the same position. My budget's at your lower end though. ;)


Life is short, ride hard
Sep 3, 2011
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fwiw, my $.02

We grill year round on the deck - yes even in the snow. I used to buy grills every 3 or 4 years. By the end of that time frame they were pretty much shot like you describe:
burners burnt out, deflector plates and grill surface rotted. Then I bought a stainless steel one at Costco. I thought my problems were over. It was SS after all, it will never rust out. It didn't, but after 4 years everything else non SS inside it did. I found the manufacturer's name & got a parts list. I was able to find all the replacement parts on line - for almost $500. . .

Threw that one away and found a used Weber on Craiglist for $100. Now its 3 years later & it still looks & works great. I'm a convert.
Aug 26, 2011
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Switch to charcoal! I went charcoal when faced with the same decision. The quality in the 200-400 dollar range for gas grills is abysmal. I bought a Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker which has opened up a whole new range of cooking and I've enjoyed the hell out of it. It takes a bit longer to do but isn't really harder. The chimney starter is really a game changer for charcoal. Takes about 20 minutes to start a batch of charcoal and it starts every time without lighter fluid.
Sep 8, 2011
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I rebuild my 700.00 grill every three years for $100.00 ..still works like a champ ... Get your model number, and order the parts on line... I get new burners ... grates and grills ... can of high temp black paint ...Last year I bought a new front panel ..my decals were worn clean!!
Aug 26, 2011
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I have used LP grills for many years and went through the typical 3 year replacement. The only one that lasted about 10 years was the Weber which was confiscated by a child. I have since switched to the Weber 22.5 inch kettle for all of my grilling. I have been smoking food for many years using Yoder products and couldn't be more pleased. The Weber Kettle, however, can be adapted to smoking food as well by tossing wood splits or chunks on the charcoal and creating an indirect heating process and by controlling the airflow to regulate the pit temperature. It is a nice all in one pit for families.


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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Go to www.amazingribs.com for evaluations of grills amd barbecue tools, plus info about how/wher to purchase these items. (This site is the most comprehensive source of grilling info on this planet, IMO.)

We have a small portable grill (Lowe's. >$200) on our patio (out front) that has worked well for ten years or so. On our deck we have a fantastic Weber grill (300 series?) that we expanded (additional cabinets each side) and it is just magnificent.

We also have a combo grill/smoker. (Masterbuilt) that retails for about $180. Great item, and takes up little space -- evaluated on amazing ribs site.

While you are at it, get either a Stephen Raichlen bbq bible or the Smoke/Spice bbq book by the Jamisons.

Sep 6, 2011
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The grill I bought about 3 years ago has seen better days. The tubes are going, the buffer plates over them are shot, and there are hot spots and no uniformity. I was looking at a Weber grill for $500 (Spirit 310GBS) but might have to use great finesse on the wife to get her to agree. I was wondering, what is the best or second best grill out there. I am looking for cast iron grill plates as cast iron holds heat and is even cooking. Buget is $100 to $500 max.

So what say you, all wise and knowing Boneyard?? Thanks in advance
I got a Webber about 10 years ago. After 7 years the cross burner tube broke. I called Weber (I registered the grill with Weber when I bought it) they told me the part was STILL under warranty and sent me a new part. most times you can go local to find the parts needed to keep a Weber running. It may cost you $400 - $600 now, but they work better and last way longer than the cheap stuff. Mine came with a cook book that gave tips on how to grill better and it has been very helpful. Mine is stainless steel and the place I bought said since stainless won't rust get the short cover (only covers the top half) it's easier to remove if you want to grill in the winter, and he was right. You get what you pay for.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm in the minority but I just replaced a Charbroil 4 burner (five if you count the stove top thingy) with this for $125. I think it's now $150.

I expected it to be craptastic but I was pleasantly surprised. Now I know it won't last as long as a Webber but it sounds to me that the cost of this thing is about as much as the replacement parts for a Webber anyway. So far it does everything I need it to do. Next year if it falls apart, I won't be happy but if lasts 4 years, I'm okay with it.
Aug 27, 2011
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If you live near Wallingford go to Foucaults. It is a family run store. Their prices are competitive with the big box stores AND they put it together for you and, I think, deliver within a reasonable distance. They also service what they sell.
Apr 10, 2015
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The grill I bought about 3 years ago has seen better days. The tubes are going, the buffer plates over them are shot, and there are hot spots and no uniformity. I was looking at a Weber grill for $500 (Spirit 310GBS) but might have to use great finesse on the wife to get her to agree. I was wondering, what is the best or second best grill out there. I am looking for cast iron grill plates as cast iron holds heat and is even cooking. Buget is $100 to $500 max.

So what say you, all wise and knowing Boneyard?? Thanks in advance
I think Geno may have a Grill to sell but I suspect you'll have to buy the Bar too.
Apr 10, 2015
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If you live near Wallingford go to Foucaults. It is a family run store. Their prices are competitive with the big box stores AND they put it together for you and, I think, deliver within a reasonable distance. They also service what they sell.
If you live near Wallingford go to Foucaults. It is a family run store. Their prices are competitive with the big box stores AND they put it together for you and, I think, deliver within a reasonable distance. They also service what they sell.
You are kidding---I've only seen Fouocaults in my Geneology listing. Margarite Foucault--married my multiple multiple great granddads--who started the DesFosse line of the family after she died and he remarried a Native North American. If I still lived in Ct I'd go visit them---maybe I'll make the trip anyway. Thanks that's wonderful to know.


Mad Man
Aug 28, 2011
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I want a new grill.
I want it bad.
But my 14-year-old Weber won't die. In that time, I replaced a broken wheel and the "flavor something or other" bars that go above the flame. I also replaced the cast iron cooking grates with stainless steel just because keeping them seasoned so they would not rust was way too much of a pain.
It will not die.
I also recommend a local store. The Larsen's Ace hardware in Canton has the same prices as Home Depot. The difference is that they have the (preferred by me) stainless-steel cooking grates and they put it together for you.
I left the grill out on the deck uncovered over the winter hoping for a failure. Sparked right up on the first try after the snow melted.
Jan 13, 2014
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Stick with Weber. Your total cost over your life will be less and you'll be happier
Aug 26, 2011
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I am also a Weber grill fan. Love the even cooking, and the indirect method. I use it year round and have found it the most reliable grill that I have ever owned. Also use it to cook roasts in the summer when you don't want to heat up the kitchen.
May 14, 2014
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I had a VT Castings that's ~11 years old. Took great care of it but it ran it's course. I have researched f=grills and have found Saber Grills are the best but their cheapest one is $799. I have seen two slightly used on craigslist that were closer to your top end. The 500p model is the ne I have decided on, their low end (still better that anything in this price range)
Apr 25, 2015
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I use a traeger grill. It is a wood pellet grill. It is great for smoking and grilling. I origanally had their small grill but recently purchased a larger one on QVC. I couldn't be happier. I have smoked brisket, Boston butt (pull pork), salmon and grilled perfect chicken , steaks and pork chops. I have even baked apple cobbler. My family think I am some kind of great chef, but it is really hard to screw up with a traeger. My only disappointment is that they are no longer made in the U.S.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm in the minority but I just replaced a Charbroil 4 burner (five if you count the stove top thingy) with this for $125. I think it's now $150.

I expected it to be craptastic but I was pleasantly surprised. Now I know it won't last as long as a Webber but it sounds to me that the cost of this thing is about as much as the replacement parts for a Webber anyway. So far it does everything I need it to do. Next year if it falls apart, I won't be happy but if lasts 4 years, I'm okay with it.

I got the same one... as a beginner I was very impressed BUT as I got more skilled I realized I may need a "better" one. Now I just need to figure out whats better

I just need to learn the rules of cleaning all the parts... and grilling more expensive meats (only did burgers, dogs, chicken and sausages BUT want to do slabs of ribs)BTW I've never used the side burner


Aug 14, 2011
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The grill I bought about 3 years ago has seen better days. The tubes are going, the buffer plates over them are shot, and there are hot spots and no uniformity. I was looking at a Weber grill for $500 (Spirit 310GBS) but might have to use great finesse on the wife to get her to agree. I was wondering, what is the best or second best grill out there. I am looking for cast iron grill plates as cast iron holds heat and is even cooking. Buget is $100 to $500 max.

So what say you, all wise and knowing Boneyard?? Thanks in advance

I bought a Weber Q series last year and love it.
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Time Traveler
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm pretty much in the same position. My budget's at your lower end though. ;)
Thats pretty much where mine is. Like I said, I would have to one hellava sweet talk to the wife to get a Weber. :D


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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Thats pretty much where mine is. Like I said, I would have to one hellava sweet talk to the wife to get a Weber. :D

Consider the Masterbuilt combo smoker/grill. You can buy it and a cover for about $200. Then splurge on a smoker box or an Amazen smoker cylinder (about $20-$25) plus a couple 1 lb. bags of wood pellets (apple and hickory @ $5 and you are ready to rumble.

Mrs. Kib did a fantastic beer can chicken yesterday with these tools.
Sep 1, 2011
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I really don't know why anyone would want to by a Weber Grill. I mean I have seen Chris's mouth and his grill isn't that much to look at. Why anyone would want to put that garbage on their teeth is beyond me.
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